Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Welcome to My Beautiful Midwest Life!

Hi everyone! Since this is my first post, I think it is only fitting to let you all know why I'm writing this blog, and also tell you a little about myself.

My name is Jessica. I'm 24 years old and newly engaged. I have a beautiful 4 year old daughter and 22 month old future stepdaughter. I was born and raised in the Midwest and I absolutely LOVE it here! I consider myself to be a country girl through and through. I love being creative in every aspect of my life, so one of the purposes of this blog is to catalog some of my many craft projects. I love to cook, so i will also be posting some tips as well as some tried-and-true recipes.

However, my real motivation for starting tis blog is to document my journey of planning my wedding (which will hopefully be happening next fall). I know there is already alot of literature out there about wedding planning, but it's all quite overwhelming for someone like me. I'm a pretty average working mom. I don't have a million dollar budget or endless connections or a miles-long guest list. So my goal, ultimately, is to paint a more realistic interpretation of the daunting task of planning a wedding (on a normal working family's budget). I hope that whoever reads this blog will learn something.

This leads me to my secondary goal. I also wish to use this blog to share things that inspire me, in the hopes that they inspire others as well. I will be linking up to my Pinterest page (which, in my opinion, is the greatest social networking site ever invented) to share some of the many ideas that are constantly bouncing around in my head. I plan on sharing my trials and tribulations, failures and successes, so that others may learn what works and what doesn't. I will also be sharing ideas I've come across from other blogs, because I absolutely love it when creative people from all over the world can get together on the internet and bounce ideas off of each other.

Which leads me to where you, the reader, fits in to this equation. This blog cannot possibly be a success if no one is there to read it. I know most blog writers ask readers for feedback. I will be doing the same. But what makes me different is that I thrive on reader feedback. I assure you it's not because I'm an attention whore (quite the opposite, actually), but because I actually enjoy hearing other people's opinions, both positive and negative. I hope you will take some time to share yours with me. let's get a conversation going!

Until next time,
My Beautiful Midwest Life

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